First Ask Fedora Beat: Draft for feedback

Oisin Feeley oisinfeeley at
Sun Aug 5 14:18:38 UTC 2007

On Sun, 05 Aug 2007 17:11:59 +0530, "Rahul Sundaram"
<sundaram at> said:
> Hi
> I would appreciate if other folks in the team take a good look and 
> correct any mistakes or provide additional feedback.

Excellent work!  Very readable, just the right amount of length and
I like the balance of specific HOWTO-do-X-using-Fedora commands and more
general big-picture stuff.  Maybe a 50/50 breakdown in terms of
content this way would be a good thing to strive for?

In any event I really enjoyed reading this.  Thanks.

> Do we want to list the people who asked the question and/or their 
> mailing list address?

Perhaps a specific instruction in the AskFedora page

"Send your questions to askfedora at and Fedora News Team
will bring you answers from the right places to selected number of
questions every week as part of our weekly news report.  Please indicate
whether or not you wish your name and/or email address to be published."

> Do we want to set a hard limit on the number of questions answered?

I think it would improve readability if there were a predictable number
of Q&As every week. 

Best wishes,
Oisin Feeley

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