Fwd: thanks for your work in Fedora Weekly News

Thomas Chung tchung at fedoraproject.org
Thu Aug 30 17:09:45 UTC 2007

On 8/30/07, Oisin Feeley <oisin.feeley at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks, I do really appreciate the words of thanks.  It's hard to know
> how many people are reading and whether or not they'd like anything
> done differently.  I keep on meaning to tinker with format/style a
> bit, but usually I'm so beat at the end of having produced each issue
> that I need some downtime and then the next workweek rolls around ;)
> So, if anyone out there feels that they have some concrete suggestions
> that might improve things I'd like to hear them.
> Thanks again,
> Oisin Feeley

I guess it's a perfect time to take a break. :)
Please note, I'll be going on vacation beginning tonight until Sept 21.
Cheers everyone!
Thomas Chung

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