YUM vs Smart vs Apt-Get

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at fedoraproject.org
Fri Dec 7 11:43:23 UTC 2007

Eli Wapniarski wrote:

> Oops... OK... Sorry.
> I understand what you've written here. And I will unsubscribe. Just a 
> question. I would like to have this treated more than just I have a beef or 
> question type thing. I would very much like to put this forward as a reasoned 
> arguement to generate some form of debate within the larger fedora community. 
> Any ideas on how to go about doing this.

What would you want to accomplish at the end of the debate? We don't 
really have a generic list for the whole community. If you want 
developers to think about it, fedora-devel list might be appropriate but 
then like I said you might want be a bit more brief on the message.


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