@fedora-devel newsbeat ready for FWN#112

Thomas Chung tchung at fedoraproject.org
Sun Dec 9 02:14:35 UTC 2007

On 08/12/2007, Oisin Feeley <oisinfeeley at imapmail.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Only eight topics this week.  Again, if anyone wants to add something
> please jump in.
> Thomas, I have a weird issue with the title/heading of the fourth topic.
>  I cannot understand why it doesn't appear in the same style as the
> others.  Help appreciated.  I looked at the head "Replacing Tail With
> Inotify Aware Version" once or twice and cannot see what is causing it
> to be ignored as a heading.
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Beats/Developments#preview
> --
>   Oisin Feeley
>   oisinfeeley at imapmail.org

Thank you Oisin,
There was an extra space at the end of the title. :)
Thomas Chung

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