FAWN for FWN 205

Pascal Calarco pcalarco at nd.edu
Tue Dec 8 00:16:07 UTC 2009


This is excellent news, and I would be glad to include news about this in the next issue.

Just to let everyone know, this week's issue will be out tomorrow afternoon. I am on the way back to Indiana from FUDCon in Toronto, leaving earlier than expected due to a big winter storm coming in tomorrow. Thanks, and lots more info on outcomes from work on Fedora Insight in the new few days as well.


- pascal

From: fedora-news-list-bounces at redhat.com <fedora-news-list-bounces at redhat.com>
To: fedora-news-list <fedora-news-list at redhat.com>
Sent: Mon Dec 07 17:55:44 2009
Subject: FAWN for FWN 205

Hello all,

I plan to record the pilot episode of Fedora's Audible Weekly News(FAWN) in 6-7 hours. I will announce that it is out on this list, my blog, and my personal Identi.ca and Twitter accounts.

I am curious as to whether or not I can place the following tag under the "Fedora Weekly News Issue 205" header:
"Fedora Weekly News Issue 205 is also available as an Ogg Vorbis audio file."
This statement would have a "3" superscript(assuming the current version online doesn't change) that would point to the file link.

Furthermore, how do we want to syndicate this?
Kamisamanou Burgess
kamisamanou at kamisamanou.net<mailto:kamisamanou at kamisamanou.net>
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