Zikula Weekly Meeting

Pascal Calarco pcalarco at nd.edu
Wed Dec 16 05:19:26 UTC 2009

On 15/12/09 11:32 PM, Eric "Sparks" Christensen wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> We used to have a weekly Zikula meeting before the licensing issues
> brought us to a screeching halt.  We are mostly beyond that, now.  To
> meet the Insight time-line Zikula needs to be up and running in 2.5
> months (at Alpha).  That would also work for Docs as well.
> The following people need to be at the meeting:
> David (ke4qqq)
> Eric (Sparks)
> Mel (mchua)
> Simon (itbegins)
> Anyone else?

I am certainly not a need to be there person, and can't contribute to 
what needs to be done on the technical side, but will likely show up to 
the meetings if my schedule permits to learn and track this vis-a-vis 
FWN so I can keep the news team up to date on this.  Thanks!

   - pascal

> If those NEED people could send me their available times I'll put
> together a time to meet.
> Also, we could use some additional packagers.  If you would like to help
> us out, please let me know that as well and I'll include your schedule
> in my consideration.
> Thanks,
> Eric

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