FWN Beat for my local community?

Pascal Calarco pcalarco at nd.edu
Fri Dec 18 16:02:27 UTC 2009

On 18/12/09 10:29 AM, Nicu Buculei wrote:
> On 12/18/2009 04:29 PM, Pascal Calarco wrote:
>> Hi Yijan --
>> I think its a great idea to have occasional special beats that overview
>> Fedora activity ion a geographical area, if that's what you are getting
>> at. If you'd like to write one for your area and submit it, that would
>> be great! Let me know and I will set up a new beat space for you on the
>> wiki.
> The question is, where do we draw the line? We have so many local
> communities that including news from all of them would result in a very
> long and hard to read page.

I am thinking of these as perhaps very occasional and not regular beats 
and as extended reports from the event reports that Larry includes in 
the Ambassadors beats.  For example, two Ambassadors from India write a 
beat to highlight what Fedora activities have happened in Bangalore over 
the past 6-12 months, highlighting activities, events, characterizing 
who is involved and also broader issues like open source in general in 
that community area.

> Still, we have a bit of overlap: local activities are usually organised
> by an Ambassador, so they are reported on the Ambassadors list, with the
> most important of them finding way on the Ambassadors beat. Also, the
> people organizing them or participating them may have blogs aggregated
> on Planet, so the event may find its way also on the Planet beat.

Yes, agreed, there is overlap here.  For shorter reports, these are 
currently handled in Ambassadors (if the details of the report are 
posted to fedora-ambassadors-list), or the Planet (if the post shows up 
on the FP aggregation).

> Me, I am involved in a local community (just presented about Fedora at a
> local conference this Saturday) and at times would have plenty of things
> to report, as would have many other Fedora fellows from different
> places. I think this content have to be filtered somehow, so we don't
> flood the readers.

Yes, agreed!

   - pascal

>> On 18/12/09 08:58 AM, Yuan Yijun wrote:
>>> What if I or someone else represents my local community (interpret as
>>> contributors in #fedora-zh) to write one FWN Beat, featuring online&
>>> offline activities during the week? Thanks!

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