Fedora 'news' sponsor needed for jwildeboer

Pascal Calarco pcalarco at nd.edu
Tue Dec 22 13:58:02 UTC 2009

Greetings Jan!

I saw your self-introduction on the marketing list, and it would be 
great if you could introduce yourself to the news team here as well. 
Would you like to pick up the marketing beat?  We are in need of a 
writer would can produce a beat covering marketing happenings and such.

A couple good places to start, if you haven't already, are the beat and 
workflow pages:


Thanks for your interest in Fedora Weekly News!

- pascal

On 12/22/2009 06:14 AM, accounts at fedoraproject.org wrote:
> Fedora user jwildeboer<jwildebo at redhat.com>  has requested
> membership for jwildeboer in the news group and needs a sponsor.
> Please go to https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts/group/view/news to take action.

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