Fedora Weekly News 195

David Nalley david.nalley at fedoraproject.org
Tue Sep 29 16:48:59 UTC 2009

On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 3:40 PM, Pascal Calarco <pcalarco at nd.edu> wrote:
> On 28/09/09 03:26 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:
>> On Mon, 2009-09-28 at 15:05 -0400, Pascal Calarco wrote:
>>> Great, thanks for the feedback, Rahul!  This is indeed useful feedback.
>>>> I don't think announcements to devel-announce list should be mingled
>>>> with general announcement. The initial summary should cover only major
>>>> announcements and devel-announce mails should be in a separate
>>>> development beat.
>> Pascal, could you avoid top-posting? It leads to confusing quoting
>> situations like the above :)
>> I agree with Rahul, however we're still suffering from the lack of
>> anyone to write a development beat, I believe, which makes it less
>> practical. I was going to volunteer for this a while back, but realized
>> I just don't have the time :(
> Yes, the development beat is really key, and we need to find someone for
> this.  I wonder if we could kick this up to FESCo to see if they could
> identify/persuade someone to revive?
> As a side note, I also spoke to David Nalley when I was at Ohio Linux Fest
> this past weekend about reviving the security advisories beat
> (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Beats/SecurityAdvisories).  David just
> doesn't have time right now to do this, and is going to try to find someone.
> David, I thought about this over the weekend, and I think this is a beat I
> could pick up, if need be.  Seems like just a matter of subscribing to the
> fedora-package-announce mailing list and aggregating the items marked
> security for the beat for the various releases?
>  - pascal

It's better not to subscribe to that list - it's a ton of traffic.
I use(d) the archives sorted by date to generate the list. It takes me
somewhere between 5 and 45 minutes depending on how many updates,
security updates, etc.
If you want it, feel free to take it, otherwise, I'll try and find
someone in the coming weeks.

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