Fedora 7 Update: perl-Moose-0.22-1.fc7

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Sun Aug 19 15:15:20 UTC 2007

Fedora Update Notification
2007-08-19 08:15:18.284294

Name        : perl-Moose
Product     : Fedora 7
Version     : 0.22
Release     : 1.fc7
Summary     : Complete modern object system for Perl 5
Description :
Moose is an extension of the Perl 5 object system.

Yes, I know there has been an explosion recently of new ways to build
objects in Perl 5, most of them based on inside-out objects and other
such things. Moose is different because it is not a new object system
for Perl 5, but instead an extension of the existing object system.

Moose is built on top of Class::MOP, which is a metaclass system for
Perl 5. This means that Moose not only makes building normal Perl 5
objects better, but it also provides the power of metaclass programming.

While Moose is very much inspired by Perl 6, it is not itself Perl
6.  Instead, it is an OO system for Perl 5. I built Moose because I was
tired or writing the same old boring Perl 5 OO code, and drooling over
Perl 6 OO. So instead of switching to Ruby, I wrote Moose :)


* Thu May 31 2007 Chris Weyl <cweyl at alumni.drew.edu> 0.22-1
- update to 0.22
Updated packages:

f865ba63a35f62c12eb6f5c26f340e5827bc7eef perl-Moose-0.22-1.fc7.src.rpm
851c3aefc5e5bccf45cc760a405e5511efdcd134 perl-Moose-0.22-1.fc7.noarch.rpm

This update can be installed with the 'yum' update program.  Use 'yum update
package-name' at the command line.  For more information, refer to 'Managing
Software with yum,' available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

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