Fedora 7 Update: R-2.6.0-3.fc7.1

updates at fedoraproject.org updates at fedoraproject.org
Thu Nov 1 21:20:45 UTC 2007

Fedora Update Notification
2007-11-01 21:20:34.914259

Name        : R
Product     : Fedora 7
Version     : 2.6.0
Release     : 3.fc7.1
URL         : http://www.r-project.org
Summary     : A language for data analysis and graphics
Description :
A language and environment for statistical computing and graphics.
R is similar to the award-winning S system, which was developed at
Bell Laboratories by John Chambers et al. It provides a wide
variety of statistical and graphical techniques (linear and
nonlinear modelling, statistical tests, time series analysis,
classification, clustering, ...).

R is designed as a true computer language with control-flow
constructions for iteration and alternation, and it allows users to
add additional functionality by defining new functions. For
computationally intensive tasks, C, C++ and Fortran code can be linked
and called at run time.

Update Information:

- fix multilib conflicts
- add R CMD javareconf to post
- don't pickup bogus perl provides
- use xdg-open, drop requires for firefox/evince

* Tue Oct 30 2007 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa at redhat.com> 2.6.0-3.1
- fix missing perl requires
* Mon Oct 29 2007 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa at redhat.com> 2.6.0-3
- fix multilib conflicts (bz 343061)
* Mon Oct 29 2007 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa at redhat.com> 2.6.0-2
- add R CMD javareconf to post (bz 354541)
- don't pickup bogus perl provides (bz 356071)
- use xdg-open, drop requires for firefox/evince (bz 351841)
* Thu Oct  4 2007 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa at redhat.com> 2.6.0-1
- bump to 2.6.0
* Sun Aug 26 2007 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa at redhat.com> 2.5.1-3
- fix license tag
- rebuild for ppc32
* Thu Jul  5 2007 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa at redhat.com> 2.5.1-2
- add rpm helper macros, script
* Mon Jul  2 2007 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa at redhat.com> 2.5.1-1
- drop patch, upstream fixed
- bump to 2.5.1

  [ 1 ] Bug #356071 - R errantly provides perl(File::Copy::Recursive), perl(Text::DelimMatch)
  [ 2 ] Bug #343061 - multiarch conflicts in R
  [ 3 ] Bug #354541 - Please add "R CMD javareconf" to the post install script
  [ 4 ] Bug #351841 - RFE: R without X dependencies
Updated packages:

a66b8f2054c65457c2369e8c23b6362102c8898f libRmath-2.6.0-3.fc7.1.ppc64.rpm
cfdeb13696e36bd41710ed0f72f57629954f5a9e R-2.6.0-3.fc7.1.ppc64.rpm
f6044566af55a35da6a369f9214bdebc14e035ae R-devel-2.6.0-3.fc7.1.ppc64.rpm
f1b3004e75d7d90a724b001a6b2069f863a4fc35 R-debuginfo-2.6.0-3.fc7.1.ppc64.rpm
0aa4ab429653bc532b4182672fafc85ef91c17cb libRmath-devel-2.6.0-3.fc7.1.ppc64.rpm
2cb949a4fbbac7559be5d8f9b94343db1953c602 R-devel-2.6.0-3.fc7.1.i386.rpm
35c88a75d3c1ace9b45a547b2cc47b6306c7981f libRmath-2.6.0-3.fc7.1.i386.rpm
8bd9457e47ef35ba2609fd4aea3f255487d57249 R-2.6.0-3.fc7.1.i386.rpm
07df306eb547e85c9360a7d7ed9d05f45682e466 R-debuginfo-2.6.0-3.fc7.1.i386.rpm
fc513daafdd7de43628da1233b03b7dfa34656c5 libRmath-devel-2.6.0-3.fc7.1.i386.rpm
17b39ebe78e69e05fb547e4642bdfb5dbc7e6766 R-2.6.0-3.fc7.1.x86_64.rpm
b3bc93c922df307c554036e07789d8abb7759651 libRmath-devel-2.6.0-3.fc7.1.x86_64.rpm
193654dc7c2d56f6fda20babe7be3778a297bceb libRmath-2.6.0-3.fc7.1.x86_64.rpm
320185f1f80a85dedb58fbaaf72cc7ff8d7ed6be R-devel-2.6.0-3.fc7.1.x86_64.rpm
da9a3a69678a0c010c6c43221a526d793df6e70b R-debuginfo-2.6.0-3.fc7.1.x86_64.rpm
c37d2db8daffca4b6f1ced44210b78181e42d132 R-2.6.0-3.fc7.1.ppc.rpm
f1d54b64fad1405b510dd5b209578a9af10bcc7e R-debuginfo-2.6.0-3.fc7.1.ppc.rpm
00404476f2878bf1ed9d2415201e8bc9002dbb6f R-devel-2.6.0-3.fc7.1.ppc.rpm
cfcd953c998b0c1e3c64dddcd34c680ca25e319d libRmath-2.6.0-3.fc7.1.ppc.rpm
eb5d27e8a137c72fde2d815bf937750ca8edfb25 libRmath-devel-2.6.0-3.fc7.1.ppc.rpm
cf3e73c0944be724bc85ca4d9483e2f117c522a5 R-2.6.0-3.fc7.1.src.rpm

This update can be installed with the "yum" update program.  Use 
su -c 'yum update R' 
at the command line.  For more information, refer to "Managing Software
with yum", available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

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