Fedora 9 Update: renameutils-0.10.0-3.fc9

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Mon Mar 23 16:00:27 UTC 2009

Fedora Update Notification
2009-03-23 15:16:58

Name        : renameutils
Product     : Fedora 9
Version     : 0.10.0
Release     : 3.fc9
URL         : http://www.nongnu.org/renameutils
Summary     : A set of programs to make renaming and copying of files easier
Description :

The file renaming utilities (renameutils for short) are a set of
programs designed to make renaming of files faster and less

The file renaming utilities consists of five programs - qmv, qcp, imv,
icp and deurlname.

The qmv ("quick move") program allows file names to be edited in a
text editor. The names of all files in a directory are written to a
text file, which is then edited by the user. The text file is read and
parsed, and the changes are applied to the files.

The qcp ("quick cp") program works like qmv, but copies files instead
of moving them.

The imv ("interactive move") program, is trivial but useful when you
are too lazy to type (or even complete) the name of the file to rename
twice. It allows a file name to be edited in the terminal using the
GNU Readline library. icp copies files.

The deurlname program removes URL encoded characters (such as %20
representing space) from file names. Some programs such as w3m tend to
keep those characters encoded in saved files.

Update Information:

Description:   The file renaming utilities (renameutils for short) are a set of
programs designed to make renaming of files faster and less  cumbersome.    The
file renaming utilities consists of five programs - qmv, qcp, imv,  icp and
deurlname.    The qmv ("quick move") program allows file names to be edited in a
text editor. The names of all files in a directory are written to a  text file,
which is then edited by the user. The text file is read and  parsed, and the
changes are applied to the files.    The qcp ("quick cp") program works like
qmv, but copies files instead  of moving them.    The imv ("interactive move")
program, is trivial but useful when you  are too lazy to type (or even complete)
the name of the file to rename  twice. It allows a file name to be edited in the
terminal using the  GNU Readline library. icp copies files.    The deurlname
program removes URL encoded characters (such as %20  representing space) from
file names. Some programs such as w3m tend to  keep those characters encoded in
saved files.

  [ 1 ] Bug #490562 - Review Request: renameutils - A set of programs to make renaming of files easier

This update can be installed with the "yum" update program.  Use 
su -c 'yum update renameutils' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

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