[Fedora-packaging] php firebird extension

philippe makowski makowski.fedora at gmail.com
Mon May 4 16:08:50 UTC 2009


Firebird (SQL relational database management system) will be soon
packaged for Fedora
I wanted to see if it is possible to add firebird exension to PHP
The Mandriva package for this only do the following :
%global modname firebird
%global dirname interbase
%global soname interbase.so
%global inifile 42_%{modname}.ini

Summary:	Firebird database module for PHP
Name:		php-%{modname}
Version:	5.2.6
Release:	0%{?dist}
Group:		Development/Libraries
URL:		http://www.php.net
License:	PHP License
Source0:	%{modname}.ini
BuildRequires:	php-devel >= 5.2.0
BuildRequires:	firebird-devel
Provides:	php-interbase = %{version}-%{release}
BuildRoot:	%{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot

This is a dynamic shared object (DSO) for PHP that will add Firebird
database support.


%setup -c -T
cp -dpR %{_usrsrc}/php-devel/extensions/%{dirname}/* .


%configure2_5x \
	--with-libdir=%{_lib} \

but with Fedora it fails, it seems that php-devel don't have all PHP sources
and cp -dpR %{_usrsrc}/php-devel/extensions/%{dirname}/* .
don't work

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