Overriding core Perl modules

Kenneth Porter shiva at sewingwitch.com
Wed Apr 27 14:35:23 UTC 2005

This has already been touched on in a couple of other threads, more as a 
matter of figuring out which modules should be removed from core and made 
separate packages. A different approach is to use the site mechanism and 
library path or some extension of it to allow replacement modules to 
coexist with those in core.

Using cpanflute2 one can use "--installdirs=site" to create a package that 
installs to the site directories instead of the vendor directories. This is 
almost sufficient to do the job, but there's no "site" directory for man 
pages, so one will get install-time conflicts for those.


My own involvement is in installing MIMEDefang (http://mimedefang.org/), 
which requires a raft of Perl modules, some of which are updates to those 
in core. Most were easy enough to repackage with cpanflute2, but a couple 
required a bit of intervention to deal with unusual tarball names and 
conflicts with Perl core packaging.

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