Packaging CPAN modules for Fedora, the Oslo QA Hackathon, CPAN::Porters

Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs at
Wed Mar 12 19:08:36 UTC 2008

>>>>> "GS" == Gabor Szabo <szabgab at> writes:

GS> So if you do find a module with problematic licenses it would be
GS> great if you could check if CPANTS has
GS> also caught that issue.

This is good news; Perl modules have often been a source of licensing
trouble due to missing or contradictory licenses.

Please also note that in Fedora, "problematic license" applies to the
plain Artistic license, so if a package licensed under the original
Artistic license (not the clarified or 2.0 versions) and does not also
have some other license (such as in the "Same as Perl" "GPL+ or
Artistic") then it is unfortunately not acceptable for Fedora.  For
example, Net-SinFP has 104.17% "Kwalitee" on the CPANTS site but is
not acceptable for Fedora because it carries only the Artistic

 - J<

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