[relnotes] [Fedora Project Wiki] Update of "Docs/Beats/BackwardsCompatibility/KDE3" by KevinKofler

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Fri Apr 25 23:37:17 UTC 2008

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The following page has been changed by KevinKofler:

The comment on the change is:
Mention kdebase3-pim-ioslaves (which we had to split off for kdepim).

  Fedora now features KDE 4.0, and no longer offers KDE 3 as a full desktop environment.  Fedora does provide the following KDE 3.5 library packages to run and build the many existing KDE 3 applications:
   * `qt3`, `qt3-devel` (and other `qt3-*` packages): Qt 3.3.8b
   * `kdelibs3`, `kdelibs3-devel`: KDE 3 libraries
-  * `kdebase3`, `kdebase3-devel`: KDE 3 core files required by some applications
+  * `kdebase3`, `kdebase3-pim-ioslaves`, `kdebase3-devel`: KDE 3 core files required by some applications
  In addition, Fedora offers a `kdegames3` package which includes games not ported to KDE 4 yet, and a KDE 3 version of `libkdegames` required by some third-party KDE 3 games.
  Moreover, the KDE 4 `kdebase-runtime` package, which provides `khelpcenter`, also sets up `khelpcenter` as a service for KDE 3 applications, so help in KDE 3 applications works.  The KDE 3 version of `khelpcenter` is no longer provided, and the KDE 4 version is used instead.

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