Merging Core and Extras affecting security updates

Mark J Cox mjc at
Tue Jan 16 22:01:11 UTC 2007

> I would love to see something like this, but sadly there isn't a nice
> automated way to match a CVE id to a given package.  I'd gladly hear ideas
> on how to do this.

NVD try to do this when they create their entries based on CVE (usually 
they manage this before the CVE site gets updated, but after the CVENEW 
mails come out).  They map each vuln to a product dictionary which we 
could map to package name, but it'll miss those cases where a 
vulnerability gets reported for something that affects multiple products 
(like some flaw being labelled as an Apple flaw when in fact it's in 
xpdf), or where things affect multiple products (a xpdf issue affects many 
open source projects).

example from

 	<prod name="slocate" vendor="slocate">
 		<vers num="3.1"/>


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