Truncated log entries

Stephen Smalley sds at
Tue Nov 2 17:36:07 UTC 2004

On Tue, 2004-11-02 at 11:31, Steve G wrote:
> >I see the truncated errors repeatedly and often.  I don't do anything special, 
> >just run strict policy and do basic desktop stuff like checking my email.
> I was wondering where the code was that actually does the logging. I see an
> avc_init function call that takes a logger callback function. I was wondering
> what is being used for the callback. Is it in user space or kernel?

The issue has to do with the kernel audit framework
(linux-2.6.x/kernel/audit.c), which is called by the kernel AVC
(linux-2.6.x/security/selinux/avc.c:avc_audit).  Userspace AVC is a port
of the kernel AVC to userspace, not relevant to this particular bug.

Stephen Smalley <sds at>
National Security Agency

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