
Christopher J. PeBenito cpebenito at tresys.com
Tue Apr 25 13:42:30 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-04-25 at 12:18 +0100, Paul Howarth wrote:
> texrel_shlib_t is I believe an alias for textrel_shlib_t. Is it just 
> there for historical reasons to support a typo someone made whilst 
> developing policy?

texrel_shlib_t was the original name of the type, and it was renamed to
textrel_shlib_t.  texrel_shlib_t is an alias of textrel_shlib_t for

> There are still some instances of texrel_shlib_t in the policy:
> Should these really be textrel_shlib_t or am I missing something subtle?

They should, but it doesn't hurt for them to be texrel_shlib_t since its
an alias of textrel_shlib_t.  I have fixed these in upstream refpolicy.

Chris PeBenito
Tresys Technology, LLC
(410) 290-1411 x150

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