mrtg selinux denials in default configuration

David Timms dtimms at
Wed Apr 16 23:49:42 UTC 2008

Daniel J Walsh wrote:
> Ok I looked at the bugzilla, looks like mrtg is execing top which is
> reading all process /proc information.  Does it need to be able to read
> all this, or can I dontaudit it.

Dan, I really don't know the answer to that - I haven't got around to 
understanding / configuring mrtg at all. I got the impression from that 
bug that the poster had a specific configuration that was causing that - 
and that he would have to create allow rules for it to work, whereas I 
don't seem to have any configuration for mrtg {except what is provided 
in the rpm - a crond */5 min run using it's default config 

A can confirm that commenting the /etc/cron.d/mrtg command stops the 
denials, but I don't understand why my other F9Beta++ machine doesn't 
generate the same denials.

As an aside: is there a way to perform an rpm -V to verify the packages 
v on-disk contexts ? I could do this for mrtg and all it's requirements.


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