Apache Httpd, PHP, Smarty and SELinux

Ingemar Nilsson init at kth.se
Wed Jul 30 18:19:36 UTC 2008

Daniel J Walsh wrote:

> sesearch does not give you attributes.

Attributes? Is there maybe some document explaining them that you can 
point me to?

Actually it does give me attributes:

sesearch -a | grep -P '@ttr\d{4} @ttr\d{4}' | grep ' file '
    allow @ttr0269 @ttr0360 : file { ioctl read write create getattr 
setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename execute 
swapon quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod };
    allow @ttr1170 @ttr1669 : file { ioctl read write getattr lock 
append };
    allow @ttr0098 @ttr0115 : file { ioctl read write create getattr 
setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename execute 
swapon quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod };
    allow @ttr0098 @ttr0359 : file { ioctl read write create getattr 
setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename execute 
swapon quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint execmod };
    allow @ttr0240 @ttr0078 : file { ioctl read write create getattr 
setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename execute 
swapon quotaon mounton execute_no_trans entrypoint };
    allow @ttr0240 @ttr0078 : file execmod ;

> Could be a line like the following
>    allow @ttr1154 @ttr0504 : file { ioctl read write create getattr
> setattr lock append unlink link rename open };

Your exact line could not be found above, but you might have meant it as 
an example?

> What is the context of the files that get created?

The files all get the context of the parent directory, that is 


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