Policy for zoneminder

Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs at math.uh.edu
Wed Jun 10 19:10:02 UTC 2009

>>>>> "DG" == Dominick Grift <domg472 at gmail.com> writes:

DG> Are you testing this on Fedora?

I comaintain it in Fedora.  My current zoneminder server runs F11.

DG> All i need is a "rpm -ql" and someone that can test my policy and
DG> send feedback.

I don't fully understand the interaction between the daemon portion
and the webapp portion (which as I understand it cannot be in a
separate domain from httpd) but I'm not really sure it's as simple as
looking at the file list.  Still, 'repoquery -l zoneminder' will show
you that.

 - J<

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