
Justin Clacherty justinc at serani.com.au
Mon Aug 4 01:07:31 UTC 2003

On Mon, 2003-08-04 at 09:54, Justin Clacherty wrote:

> I suspect that ldapmigrate is trying to create the searchbase entry with an
> incorrect value for dc when the dn has more than two dc values.

Just confirmed this by adding the following line to ldapmigrate just
after $dc is set in the prepdb code.

print "dc is $dc\n" if ($debug);

When the suffix is "dc=serani,dc=com" dc is set to "serani".  When the
suffic is "dc=serani,dc=com,dc=au" dc is set to "serani,dc=com".  Looks
like its only dropping the last ",dc=", I'd suggest a fix but I don't
know anything about perl regular expressions.


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