Stock kernels

Mike A. Harris mharris at
Tue Aug 19 17:32:04 UTC 2003

On Tue, 19 Aug 2003, Michael K. Johnson wrote:

>Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2003 13:53:13 -0400
>From: Michael K. Johnson <johnsonm at>
>To: rhl-beta-list at
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>List-Id: For testers of Red Hat Linux beta releases
>    <>
>Subject: Re: Stock kernels
>On Tue, Aug 19, 2003 at 01:07:49PM -0400, Mike A. Harris wrote:
>>On Tue, 19 Aug 2003, Maynard Kuona wrote:
>> >Like recently, the kernels will not build because of
>> >how Redhat split rpm into rpm and rpmbuild.
>> I don't quite understand what you're saying here. 
>> kernels compile just fine on Red Hat Linux.  Not sure what your 
>> link to rpm is, except perhaps a misunderstanding.
>Probably looked at an old Makefile.  Here's current pieces:
>RPM             := $(shell if [ -x "/usr/bin/rpmbuild" ]; then echo rpmbuild; \
>                        else echo rpm; fi)
>rpm:    clean spec
>        find . \( -size 0 -o -name .depend -o -name .hdepend \) -type f -print | xargs rm -f
>        set -e; \
>        cd $(TOPDIR)/.. ; \
>        ln -sf $(TOPDIR) $(KERNELPATH) ; \
>        tar -cvz --exclude CVS -f $(KERNELPATH).tar.gz $(KERNELPATH)/. ; \
>        rm $(KERNELPATH) ; \
>        cd $(TOPDIR) ; \
>        . scripts/mkversion > .version ; \
>        $(RPM) -ta $(TOPDIR)/../$(KERNELPATH).tar.gz ; \
>        rm $(TOPDIR)/../$(KERNELPATH).tar.gz
>So you can see that rpmbuild is accounted for.

Ah.  I never didn't know such targets even existed.  Then again I 
haven't looked at the kernel Makefile in an enormously long time 
either.  ;o)

Oddly, I'm able to compile kernels left right and center whenever
desired, patched or unpatched, in rpm format or stock tarballs.  
I prefer our rpm based ones though. ;o)

It's more fun however to have kernel engineers create my kernel 
for me and fix bugs in it that users report, so that I get a 
stable well tested kernel which is integrated with the whole OS.

Just imagine how scared I'll be when people commonly want to
start compiling XFree86 from stock sources.

I'll have to get some form of medication should that arise,
however the odds are in my favour with current computer speeds,
the size of the X sources, and the barriers to entry.  I'm doomed
in a couple of years though.  ;o)

Mike A. Harris
OS Systems Engineer - XFree86 maintainer - Red Hat

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