Nautilus still doesn't do wildcards?

Thomas Dodd ted at
Thu Aug 28 20:25:57 UTC 2003

Alan Cox wrote:
>>On the subject of patches, how many people understand the working of 
>>nautilus well enough to even attempt it? I dug into the smb:// code for 
>>gnome-vfs once, and it was very non-linear. What functions would need 
>>work to do get wildcards/filtering to work?
> If you've touched gnome-vfs internals I'd think you know enough since you
> know how vfs enumeration of contents works and you are talking about a 
> filter over that (or in it..)

If only. I was working on the smb authentication. All I did was get 
gnome-vfs to use the values passed or call the get_user_password() 
function if it didn't have one yet.

I don't know how gnome-vfs sets up the directory contents. I didn't even 
know nautilus used gnome-vfs (or is it vfs2, vfs-extras, or 
vfs2-extras?) to decide what to show :)

But, if it's in gnome-vfs(2) I'll have a go at it.

Alex, Havoc, is there a Red Hat bug for this? What about a GNOME bug?
Do you know of anyone already "working" on this?


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