Yum, autoupdate (was: Re: Graphical boot isn't so graphical)

Tom Diehl tdiehl at rogueind.com
Sun Jul 27 04:03:54 UTC 2003

On Sat, 26 Jul 2003, Jos Vos wrote:

> Matthias Saou wrote:
> > Then do check out yum : It has the ease of use that autoupdate has, trivial
> > package signature checking like autoupdate has, but uses rpmlib and the
> > actual package headers to calculate updates, so it doesn't miss the
> > "Obsoletes:" tags nor the epoch increases... like autoupdate does.
> > 
> > I'm still using autoupdate on quite a lot of production servers, but am
> > switching to yum on the new ones.
> OK, my first experiences using the yum rpm for RHL9 on RHL9:
> -  yum-arch -z does not seem to compress the headers

If they are really not compressed then try it without -z, by default yum-arch
compresses the headers. I have never used -z

(icarus pts0) # file *
fwbuilder-0-1.0.10-1.i386.hdr:                            gzip compressed data, was ".newheaders/fwbuilder-0-1.0.10-", max compression
fwbuilder-ipt-0-1.0.10-1.i386.hdr:                        gzip compressed data, was ".newheaders/fwbuilder-ipt-0-1.0", max compression

The above is generated using yum-arch with no options.

> -  pkgpolicy=last does not work as expected: when I have installed
>    a version of package X (from the first yum server) and I add
>    a second yum server with another version of package X, yum does
>    not see a need to update package X!  When I install package X if
>    not installed, it indeed takes the version from the second server.
>    (serverid's are 01something and 02somethingelse).

Depends on which server has the latest version. If you want the newest version
installed than you should set it to newest. With pkgpolicy = last a new install
will install the version from the last server but if a version already exists
from the first server and the version on the first server is newer yum will not
downgrade to the older package.

>From the man pg:

              Default:  newest.   Package  sorting  order.   When a package is
              available from multiple servers, newest will  install  the  most
              recent  version of the package found. last will sort the servers
              alphabetically by serverid and install the version of the  pack-
              age  found  on  the  last  server in the resulting list.  If you
              don't understand the above then you're best left  not  including
              this option at all and letting the default occur.

> -  yum install sometimes segfaults when installing a package

I have not seen this, so I cannot help.

> -  How can I do special actions, like installing a kernel i.s.o.
>    upgrading it?

What is a kernel i.s.o.?? If you mean rpm, yum will only install a kernel.
It will not upgrade a kernel. So if you need to upgrade a kernel it will
install it along side of the old kernel and adjust the grub.conf to make
the new kernel the default. Presently to rm the old kernel you need to do an
"rpm -e kernel-2.4.whatever.old.rpm. Seth is working on fixing this but at
present using yum to rm the old kernel does not work properly.

> Comments?

There is a yum mailing list at:

Suggest you ask yum specific questions there. The people over there are very
willing to help.


......Tom		Registered Linux User #14522	http://counter.li.org
tdiehl at rogueind.com	My current SpamTrap ------->	mtd123 at rogueind.com

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