rh-postgresql in taroon

Féliciano Matias feliciano.matias at free.fr
Sun Jul 27 16:14:22 UTC 2003

Why redhat have renamed postgresql rpm to rh-postgresql in taroon ?
is rh-postgresql a fork of postgresql like egcs ?
is rh-postgresql not incompatible with postgresql ?

Please rename the package rh-postgresql-7.3.3-4.src.rpm to something
like postgresql-7.3.3-4rh.src.rpm. Also rename /etc/init.d/rhdb to
/etc/init.d/postgresql (or postgresql-rh).

URL field in package is http://www.redhat.com/software/database , init
script show "Stopping PostgreSQL - Red Hat Edition service: " (you
forget to do the same change in starting) in the init script. I don't
have any problem with this changes. I check your website and everything
is fine.

I know that redhat work quite closely with the postgresql team but it's
definitively not a redhat project.

Perhaps I am too sensitive about this. But i don't want to see rh-httpd,
rh-kernel, rh-gnome, etc in a near future.

Should i file a bug report ?

PS : I am not a postgresql developer nor a contributor.

Féliciano Matias <feliciano.matias at free.fr>
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