RH recommends using Windows?

Alan Cox alan at redhat.com
Tue Nov 4 20:20:41 UTC 2003

> That's why hardware vendors should be re-educated that they are selling
> hardware and contribute the driver to the kernel (or whatever the usual
> place for drivers for that kind of hardware is), or at least release
> the specifications.

Most of them don't need re-educating. They want to see financial
justifications and straight forward return exceeding cost. Some of them
have other problems to juggle (clever hardware interfaces, regulatory
rules, perceived 'value' in components, and even cynical marketing
tricks that dont work open source) but at the end of the day its all down
to cost, opportunities and risk. 

We are past the 'what is linux' stage. Its in general just hard business
decisions I see from these people now.

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