well this is Fedora Test Process related, so I suppose it belongs here.....

rg grant at tuins.ac.jp
Mon Nov 10 09:08:54 UTC 2003

I've done a bit of beta testing in my day (even OS/2), but I find it odd 
that we would all go through 3 test version of Fedora and then at the 
last minute, Rhythmbox, buggy as all hell, is suddenly slapped in as the 
default audio player in the final release. That seems a bit odd as it 
wasn't even in the install packages in test 3, just an rpm floating 
around the disks.

If Fedora Core 1 had at least been set up so that XMMS appead in the 
pop-up menus as an alternative, it wouldn't have been half as bad. 
Doesn't seem much of a final beta test if the actual public release is 
still different from that final beta.  Seems to me that the final 
beta/test should pretty much be what the public release is going to be, 
minus the bug repairs.

How did this all come to pass. I can't find any reference to this in the 
list anywhere.  Seems rather arbitrary to me, and sort of scares me as 
to the way things are going to go now that there is no big red daddy in 
charge of things. Hmmm..


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