(no subject)

Mike Chambers mike at netlyncs.com
Tue Oct 21 12:49:14 UTC 2003

On Mon, 2003-10-20 at 16:20, Scott Baker wrote:

> At that point I got the error below and attempted to make an initrd file 
> and I was getting those errors about a missing dep file.  I have 
> <http://people.redhat.com/arjanv/2.5/RPMS.kernel/mkinitrd-3.5.7-2.i386.rpm>mkinitrd-3.5.7-2 
> installed which should be plenty current.  Why is it complaining about a 
> missing dep file?

Just an FYI, but rawhide contains all files needed by kernel-2.6 to
include mkinitrd and such and are up to date, if not newer then what is
on Arjan's site.

Mike Chambers
Madisonville, KY

"Can you hear me now?....GOOD!"

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