Games doesent work in Fedora test 3

Joe joe at
Wed Oct 22 15:26:24 UTC 2003

Steve Bergman wrote:

>On Wed, 2003-10-22 at 02:58, Lauri Jutila wrote:
>>As there has been some discussion about Fedora's ability to support
>>games, I'll test the following games later today: Quake3, Sid Meier's
>>Alpha Centauri, Railroad Tycoon II, Enemy Territory and America's Army.
>>Report on progress will follow.
>Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Quake 3, Rune, Unreal Tournament,
>TuxRacer, and Chromium all work fine on my Radeon 9100 AGP and the
>current rawhide.  The speed is great, too.
>I dumped my closed NVidia card in favor of the open and supported Radeon
>and have not regretted it.  It took the Radeon driver guys a while
>(years) to get it right, but it seems that they have.  It's fast,
>stable, and Free.
It's interesting to hear that the stability and speed of the radeon are 
catching up to the nvidia - perhaps I'll try another ATI card soon and 
see for myself - but in the meantime, how much do you want for that 
nvidia? :-)


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