Mouse - strange bevaviour

Mike A. Harris mharris at
Sun Oct 26 14:31:51 UTC 2003

On Sun, 26 Oct 2003, Grosswiler Roger wrote:

>i have a compaq proliant with a micorsoft intellimouse ps/2-style rev.
>While installing, i had no mouse at all - so no problem, lets install it
>So, when i finished installing and rebooted the machine, i could move
>the mouse - until the moment, my server entered in runlevel 5 (from the
>screenwhere you see your services starting.)
>No problem, i thought, taking redhat-config-mouse, changing onto the
>mentionned mouse, should work....was quite positive thinking as it does
>not work at all.
>But why, why, why, did the mouse work while booting the machine from the
>first gui-screen until the launch of runlevel-specific services??? 
>Any help is very, very appreciated.
>BTW. gui looks even nice....

Try disabling graphical boot.  My guess is that it is interfering 
with hardware autodetection.

Mike A. Harris
OS Systems Engineer - XFree86 maintainer - Red Hat

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