Up2Date still having problems...

Jaap A. Haitsma jaap at haitsma.org
Tue Oct 28 21:52:23 UTC 2003

Josh McKenna wrote:
> got up2date-4.1.12-1 and when I use it to get a package I don't have
> it still bombs at the dependency check part...
> any progress on this?
> -jbm sends
I have the same problem. It seems to stop somehow. CPU load network and 
disk access are all zero. The way I get everything installed is just not 
select all packages. It works smoothly when I select half of the 
packages, do an update, select the other half of the packages and do an 

I'm a bit suspicious that the number of updates that are told to be 
available are not the number of updates there really are.  I didn't 
check this. Just a hunch. But yesterday it said there were 120 packages 
available and I had the feeling there were much less then 120 when I 
selected them.


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