apt vs yum vs up2date?

Noah Silva [Mailing list] nsilva-list at aoi.atari-source.com
Thu Oct 16 13:40:12 UTC 2003

> yum is a lot easier to setup on the server end. Hhopefully this
> has been improved for apt lately, setting up the directory hierarchy for
> it was not trivial last time I tried it.
> Personally I use yum, mostly because it's in the distro and rawhide
> repositories are everywhere.

And with up2date not requiring an rhn registration, and supporting apt and
yum, and being included in the distro.. people might actually use that?
what a concept ;)

 -- noah silva

(Note: I don't have a problem registering my system most of the time, just
that whenever I reinstall something, I have to register it again.. and if
I use the same email, it is denied because only one system per email on
the "demo" accounts, etc, etc.)

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