metacity question

Alan Cox alan at
Sun Oct 26 22:11:12 UTC 2003

> that Metacity has nearly _ZERO_ configuration options. i mean jeebuz,
> you can't even make a window always be on top. am i using ms windows,
> because i always thought *NIX stuff was supposed to be _more_
> configurable.

It is, you replace metacity with a more featureful  window manager. Metacity
has a lot of problems right now - windows sticking to the mouse, small screen
handling flaws and buggy resizing but given its goals I don't see why you
are moaning about the configuration stuff.

Metacity is a simple window manager for basic stuff anyone can in theory 
use. Its like complaining gedit isnt fully emacs equivalent, you don't
'fix gedit' you use emacs. 

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