
Globe Trotter itsme_410 at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 28 14:10:52 UTC 2003

> It is within my plans to add MozillaFirebird as a directory, but in our 
> earlier discussion at fedora.us we came to a consensus that rejected 
> "mozilla-firebird" as a directory name and package name because:
> 1) It makes it sound like it is a sub-package of mozilla, which is incorect.

This is true but they had to use MozillaFirebird because otherwise they would
have legal problems. All the searching and going through expensive lawyers for
months did not settle their basic issue that there is a browsing product called

> 2) MozillaFirebird was the original name, and there was little point is 
> changing that since under the mozilla branding strategy document of the 
> time, the browser would eventually become "Mozilla Browser" in order to 
> appease the database guys.

This is way off the mark! Phoenix was the original name, but then Phoenix
Technologies makes a BIOS browser so they asked them to find a new name.
MozillaFirebird is the new name (after wranglings and legal threats over the
Firebird browser). In reality, the Mozilla browser is supposed to go away and
MozillaFirebird will become the standalone browser which Mozilla is going to
dish out. But it is still a long ways to go (at least a year) and way before
MozillaFirebird is released in 1.0 form.

> Unless faced with something more convincing, I am not going to add 
> "mozilla-firebird".


> Actually, the glob wildcard that the script currently uses should 
> actually pull that in.  I'm not sure why the script fails with Dag's 
> package.  Can somebody please figure this one out and report back?

I am not sure what I should do here to figure out and report back.


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