Does Fedora kernel/glibc support sysenter

Dave Jones davej at
Tue Oct 28 14:21:49 UTC 2003

On Tue, Oct 28, 2003 at 07:17:13PM +0800, Yusuf Goolamabbas wrote:
 > As the mechanism for system calls or does it use the int80 mechanism.

int80.  Arjan's 2.6 RPM will use sysenter if the CPU supports it.

 > Also, is there any benchmark program available which demonstrates how
 > many cycles int80/sysenter take on a machine. I recollect Dave Jone's
 > blog had some benchmark but can't find such a benchmark program

Never trust source code to IBM deskstars..
I used a munged version of a benchmark that Linus posted to Linux-kernel.
It's in the archives somewhere, but I've lost my version of it a while back.


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