Kickstart, LVM and Preserving VGs and LVs

Rick Kilen kilen at
Wed Oct 29 17:49:37 UTC 2003

I just started testing Fedora, and have some questions about how to 
preserve LVM definitions (both VGs and LVs) across installations.

My preference for Linux upgrades, particularly when working with beta or 
experimental software, is to do a fresh install, rather than an upgrade. 
Prior to working with LVM, I could use part statements in ks.cfg to 
specify how to use existing disk partitions, using --onpart, and which 
ones needed data preserved, using --noformat. I've looked at the RH 9 
Customization guide for Kickstart options pertaining to LVM, but haven't 
found any equivalents to --onpart and --noformat, at least not in the 
volgroup or logvol statements. I have played a bit, but have so far not 
found the appropriate incantations.

A short example:
Existing partitions: hda1 (/boot), hda2 (LVM's rootvg with rootlv and 
homelv), hda3 (swap)
Want to preserve both the LVs in hda2, and additionally the data in homelv
Would like to be able to specify something like this in ks.cfg:
     #clearpart --linux
     part swap --onpart=hda3
     part /boot --onpart=hda1
     part pv.01 --onpart=hda2 --noformat
     volgroup rootvg pv.01 --preserve
and have Kickstart recognize the existing LVs in rootvg
Since I want to have Kickstart format rootlv and preserve homelv, I expect 
I'd also need something like:
     logvol / --vgname=rootvg --lvname=rootlv --clean
     logvol /home --vgname=rootvg --lvname=homelv --noformat
where --clean implies that it exists but needs formatting, and --noformat 
is the same as for part statements.

I've commented out all the partitioning information, but Kickstart then 
offers me only three choices: remove all partitions, remove all linux 
partitions, and retain all partitions and install to free space, which is 
not what I'm after...

Is this possible at present? Where is this documented?

    Rick Kilen
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