RH10 multimedia support

Stephen Smoogen smoogen at lanl.gov
Mon Sep 8 06:54:12 UTC 2003

On Mon, 8 Sep 2003, Rainer Hattenhauer wrote:

>Besides all discussion here, I'm wondering about how the guys of SuSE are
>managing the multimedia problem: they have java integrated, and as far as I
>remember, for installation of the flash plugin, there is a small script that
>leads to the macromedia page (if not included in SUSE, there is such
>perl-script in the Knoppix-Livesystem at www.knoppix.de, so you could have a
>look at it)

They either have spent money on deals for it.. or they just don't care 
because they are European company and US sales are minor compared to 
Euro sales (so if they were forced to stop selling in the US it wouldnt 

Stephen John Smoogen            smoogen at lanl.gov
Los Alamos National Labrador  CCN-5 Sched 5/40  PH: 5-8058
Ta-03 SM-261  MailStop P208 DP 17U  Los Alamos, NM 87545
-- So shines a good deed in a weary world. = Willy Wonka --

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