What are consequences of "merger necessitates removal of ...

Pavel Rosenboim pavelr at coresma.com
Tue Sep 23 09:53:56 UTC 2003

Hash: SHA1

Randall J. Parr wrote:
> Emmanuel Seyman wrote:
>> On Mon, Sep 22, 2003 at 08:48:43PM +0200, Maynard Kuona wrote:
>>> am no longer encoding my cds into mp3, but I have so many mp3's, it is a
>>> hassle to to this nicely with Redhat. How much does the license cost. Is
>>> it not $50,000 for the perpetual license.
>> If the issue is mp3 support, you can just hop over to freshrpms.net
>> and get it there.
> No I can't. That is, in fact, my point. Most of the freshrpms.net stuff
> requires ALSA, which requires kernel modules, which means I can no
> longer "up2date" that system without breaking the sound, etc., etc.

Are you sure these were freshrpms packages. I'm using freshrpms packages
since redhat 8 and never had any problem with packages or with system
updates. These packages WORK with ALSA but all they require is alsa-lib.
I used them with standard RedHat kernels and they work very well.

> I have tried, repeatedly to use freshrpms.net stuff but have constantly
> run into the above problems and/or conflicts with other stuff from other
> repositories.  Yes, I can rebuild them or build them from source but the
> whirlpools seems to just spin faster then.

Mixing repositories is problematic. It looks that fedora packages always
had an epoch set, and thus always looked "newer" then freshrpms
packages. But now, after they remove all video and mp3 packages there
will be less duplicates.

> On the other hand, Fedora, until now, has allowed me to very quickly and
> easily extend my standard Red Hat 7, 8, and 9 servers/workstations while
> encounter few if any of these problems. It has really, really been nice.
> But now it ends and I am thrown back into the whirlpool.
> It has been very, very nice install Fedora yum/apt and be able to tell
> my customers, my sister, my wife, "Just do ..." and presto, changeo, you
> can play your MP3's or watch your DVD's. They really don't do so well
> when I pass on to them the typical answer from these lists of "just
> install all this stuff from freshrpms, reconfigure your modules.conf,
> maybe rebuild your kernel, and it 'just works', Yeah, right"

Again, never seen any such problems. Just ran apt-get xmms-mp3 mplayer
xine ... after distro installation and it just worked.

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