OK, so it's the Fedora Project, but is it still called Red HatLinux?

Bryan W. Headley bwheadley at earthlink.net
Wed Sep 24 15:11:31 UTC 2003

Alan Cox wrote:
>>They have problems as it is. The VIA people for instance released binary 
>>drivers for their Mini-ITX's CastleRock video chip. In doing so, they 
>>targetted RH 9, which meant kernel 2.4.20-8. What they didn't understand 
>>is that RH will release new kernels (and are at 2.4.20-20-9) during the 
> To be fair VIA *do* understand this. They are working to get stuff supported
> in open source but released binary drivers in the mean time.

The point is, people who do binary drivers will be cursed by platform 
movement, not only with relatively new products (RH9, RHE, etc.) but 
also older products (7.1, 8), as there's legacy support, whenever a 
kernel is released for the given platform. They undertake similar risks 
with Fedora as they will with RHE in the future.

____               .:.                 ____
Bryan W. Headley - bwheadley at earthlink.net

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