What are consequences (the lack of freedom on the USA)

seth vidal skvidal at phy.duke.edu
Thu Sep 25 14:38:50 UTC 2003

> The point being, toolkit choice does not make an app ugly or bad. The 
> fact that it looks/acts different also doesn't make it bad. Personaly I 
> like variety, and have no problems dealing with it. I dislike the 
> "everything looks the same" world of M$ and Mac. Se previous message and 
> discussion of car interiors.

One problem:

 If you're disabled in some way then it can become very difficult to use
interfaces that have an array of different knobs and dials.

Please remember that there are a lot of people using linux who cannot
see, cannot use their fingers, etc.

Just b/c you can does not mean you have to be a chauvinist for the


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