more comments on Fedora Core

Joe joe at
Sun Sep 28 00:46:59 UTC 2003

Elton Woo wrote:

>On September 27, 2003 08:08 pm, Dave Ashby <Dave Ashby 
><dave.ashby at>> wrote:
>>Make sure the first line in your /etc/hosts file is and your
>>box name (technically FQN and then nickname). If you have other entries
>>above it, sendmail will hang during boot.
>My /etc/hosts file:
># Do not remove the following line, or various programs
># that require network functionality will fail.
>	localhost.localdomain	localhost
>	dhcp-133-74		localhost
It looks as though you have an error in your hosts file - I'll bet you 
anything that the dchp-133-74<whatever> does not resolve to, 
but rather to the address of your eth0 interface instead.

>Sendmail doesn't hang, it just takes so bloody looong! I've just
>disabled it from startup services, and the boot process is much,
>MUCH quicker!!
postfix is rather snappy to start up, as well as in handling the mail. I 
have no idea why anyone would want or need all the baggage and 
complexity of sendmail just for a local smtp transport facility.


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