yum update rawhide: what am I missing?

Elton Woo elwoo at videotron.ca
Fri Sep 12 18:06:33 UTC 2003

On Friday 12 September 2003 13:56, Matt Whiteley Matt Whiteley 
<matt-whiteley at comcast.net> wrote:
> #[base]
> #name=Red Hat Linux $releasever - $basearch - Base
> #[updates]
> #name=Red Hat Linux $releasever - Updates
> [rawhide]
> name=Red Hat Linux Rawhide - Updates
> baseurl=http://mirror.dulug.duke.edu/pub/yum-repository/redhat/rawhide/i386/

I've copied the above verbatim into my yum.conf. I notice that the [base]
and [updates] entries are REMmed out, correct?

> Hope it works for you,

I will give it a shot later. Thanks,

Elton ;-)
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