Fedora Core, Fedora Project, Fedora/GNU, Fedora BSD, Fedora Coupe deVille, Fedora ala mode

Alan Cox alan at redhat.com
Wed Sep 24 00:29:32 UTC 2003

> On Tue, Sep 23, 2003 at 05:55:30PM -0400, Alan Cox wrote:
> > The goal is to make those opportunities happen, but to protect the thing
> > itself (ie Fedora Core is the official Fedora Core etc), but expecting
> > people to also bundle other stuff with it in many cases, and likewise to
> > recognize that the ability to charge a certain amount for redistribution
> > encourages a lot more ways to get copies.
> > The exact rules are something the legal folks have to draft but its mostly
> > a case of turning those goals into watertight valid legal language.
> Could we keep the "You can't say that your thing is based on ours" language
> out of this one?

In some cases. You don't want to order a Fedora Core CD and find its not
Fedora for example. In the case of people mastering and releasing authentic
Fedora images (and possibly other stuff bundled with it) the intention is that 
you'll be allowed to call it "Fedora". So hopefully lots of people will be
selling Fedora CD's

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