Synaptics touchpad

Hans Engelen hans.engelen at
Thu Apr 1 12:38:57 UTC 2004

Just wondering (haven't downloaded FC2T2 yet due to ISP download constraints, 
blech), is the synaptics touchpad extended functionality (doubletap, 
multifinger etc) restored in FC2T2 ? It was entered into bugzilla for FC2T1 
and was a big nuisance for me too so.

Incase it was not, I fixed it on my FC2T1 setup with the 2.6.4 kernel update 
from RHN and by installing the synaptics driver for XFree that lives at this 
address :

If you are wondering about the patches to the kernel done by Dimitry Torokhov, 
those are present already in the 2.6.4-1.298 (and up?) kernel. All I had to 
do was download the Xfree driver and follow the instructions on how to 
install it and modify XF86config and hey presto. I am not sure when or where 
the doubletap functionality was lost and if this is by design or not, but in 
a way I am glad since this driver allows me to finetune many of the extended 
capabilities of the touchpad to my personal liking (acceleration, doubletap 
timelimits etc etc).

Anyways, it worked like a charm on my Dell C600 so I am happy.

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