Custom kernels

Hans Engelen hans.engelen at
Thu Apr 1 12:39:04 UTC 2004

Anyone notice btw (or is it old news) that the RHN-applet issues this warning 
when running a custom kernel : 

You are running kernel-xxxcustom, but it is not installed in RPM format. It is 
highly recommended that you run the official Red Hat Linux kernels. By 
running a custom kernel, you will miss out on any security fixes and 
functionality enhancements provided by Red Hat Linux, and your configuration 
is unsupported.

Must be an aprils fool joke right ?

I mean come on ... The great strenght of Linux is that you can configure and 
customize the kernel options to your personal needs. Am I to understand from 
this warning that Red Hat will refuse support to people that do so ? I can 
understand not wanting to get blamed for instabilities that might arise from 
kernels patched with unstable/untested 3rd party patches but customizing 
your .config (and recompiling) on an otherwise unalterd kernel source tree 
should be allowed no ?

Just my two cents worth.

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