HTT IM Satus windows

Jens Petersen petersen at
Mon Apr 5 07:31:48 UTC 2004

>>>>> "S" == Sponger  <spongers at> writes:

    S> I just installed FC2T2 [...] Ever since I first
    S> started it up last night, there are about 4 boxes of
    S> what it calls "HTT IM Status" open, and when I try
    S> and close them, they just pop right back up, and even
    S> killing them wont work either.

Are you using KDE?

If you install the latest xinitrc from FC2devel htt won't be
used for European languages.  Alternatively as root if you do

/sbin/chkconfig IIim off
/sbin/service IIim stop

and it will stop the htt server from running which should
also stop iiim from being used in new X sessions.

Hth, Jens

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