Add remove packages/packages not found

Andrew Farris fedora at
Wed Apr 21 09:54:48 UTC 2004

On Wed, 2004-04-21 at 04:22 -0400, j wrote:

> I'm runnin Core 2 Test 2. and had to load and install most of the .rpm's 
> because the iso's wouldn't work. Now, when I run redhat-config-packages, 
> select the X11 , Kde, and Gnome development tools, it says that I need 
> xorg-x11-libs/kdelibs and kdebase. I do a rpm -q on these and I have 
> them installed, probably newer versions than what's in the rpm database. 
> How do I get config-packages to recognize the installs?  As an aside, 
> how does one remove those absurd bouncing icons?
> thanks,
> jeff hilson

All 'redhat-config-' packages should be removed from your system and the
corresponding 'system-config-' packages installed.  This may trigger
some required dependency updates for python, rpm-python, maybe some
others. (your system is not yet completely upgraded/updated...)

No idea what you are talking about with bouncing icons.. if they are in
these redhat-config- utilities you know the answer.

Andrew Farris, CPE senior (California Polytechnic State University, SLO)
fedora at :: lmorgul on
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men
to do nothing." (Edmond Burke)

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