Konqueror hangs when marking a text

Roland Wolters wolters.liste at gmx.net
Thu Apr 22 08:45:13 UTC 2004

whenever I try to mark a text within a Konqueror field like the bugzilla 
entries (not the search field ins google, ...), Konqueror and the whole KDE 
environment stops for some seconds.
The KNewsticker line is not moving as long as the hang goes on, and after 
something around 8-15 seconds everything is ok.
All keyboard.hits I made while the Konqueror hangs are typed in when the 
system "comes back", and while it hangs I am able to start things like the 
process table through ctrl+esc (but not through menu).
Its reproducable everytime, but it seems to depend on the type of field where 
you type in.

Does anyone else has this problem? Please report, so that I can start a 
bugzilla entry or think about a reinstall.


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